
I was recently described as having "spunk and fight." These adjectives were used to describe both strength and weakness in my life. This blog is a story that is being written about how I have left physical and emotional baggage and I am heading forward, packing a little lighter, setting goals, reaching some, falling short at others, but always growing everyday. Won't you join me?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lifting & a Movie!

What a great Saturday night. :)

I lifted later this evening because I had plans to go to the 8:50 pm showing of X-Men First Class at Arundel Mills Mall and wanted to not go home in between. Given the reputation of Arundel Mills Mall, I required that my escort for the evening pre-agree to walk me to my car at the late hour the movie would end--he obliged, but upon safely arriving at our respective vehicles asked me what exactly I thought *he* would do to protect me. Fair question. I hadn't thought that far ahead. :) Safety in numbers... :)

Oh! And the actual movie, although did not receive great reviews from the critics was really good! I should disclaim that I am an X-Men movie groupie and it may be my favorite superhero movie series of all times and as such my opinion may not be objective. But I really enjoyed it! And young Professor X and Magneto are dreamy. Just saying...even though I know Magneto will toggle the line between the 'good' X-men's friend and foe, I still love him... ::swoon::

Enough geekery for now. For the pre-movie lifting, I did full body. I did not go in with a plan. This was unsettling for me because I like plans. Also, in the past, without a plan I would slack a little--do only what I *felt* like doing vs. what I need to do. I feel that I did reasonably well plan-less. I mixed it up by alternating between lower and upper body every couple exercises. Here it is (pounds/reps):

Seated Leg Extensions: 70/15, 80/15, 90/15
Seated Leg Curls: 85/15, 100/15, 115/15
FM Chest Press: 35/15, 40/15, 45/15 *superset with FM Lat Pulldown
FM Lat Pulldown: 70/15, 80/12, 80/10 *superset with FM Chest Press
45° Leg Press: 270/15, 360/15, 450/15
45° Leg Press Calves: 180/20, 230/20, 270/20
Pec-Decks: 40/15, 50/15, 60/15
Seated Row: 40/15, 50/15, 60/12
Machine Shoulder Press: 30/15, 40/15, 50/12

Toward the end of the second set of the pec-decks I got a sharp pain in my right forearm just under my elbow on the inside. I took the last set easy and also was careful with the seated row. I think I did a good job! :)

Tomorrow is a rest day!

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