
I was recently described as having "spunk and fight." These adjectives were used to describe both strength and weakness in my life. This blog is a story that is being written about how I have left physical and emotional baggage and I am heading forward, packing a little lighter, setting goals, reaching some, falling short at others, but always growing everyday. Won't you join me?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Noticeable Improvement!

Today's Monday which means GRADUAL BUILD DAY!! :) I still don't like it. But I still like what it does for me--theoretically. :)

I did 3.0 mph again and had a two minute cool down. The stats:

Calories Burned: 404
Time: 42:00
Distance: 2.07

This is the same gradual build workout that I did last week. This is my third gradual build workout since I've been back from surgery. The first time I tried for 3.0 mph the whole time but had to hold on and had to drop it down to 2.5 mph. :( Last week I was able to do 3.0 mph the entire time without holding onto the treadmill once, but it was rough! Around 10.0% incline I was huffing and puffing. It was a long 20 minutes doing 5 minutes each of 10.0%, 12.0%, 14.0% and 9.0% inclines.

So, here's the good news: this week did not get super rough until the 14.0% incline and the 9.0% 'cool down' incline was fine! That's a very noticeable improvement!!! Dare I say that my stamina is rebuilding?!?! :D

Next weeks gradual build will be at 3.2 mph. :) I will get back to 3.5 mph soon enough!

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