
I was recently described as having "spunk and fight." These adjectives were used to describe both strength and weakness in my life. This blog is a story that is being written about how I have left physical and emotional baggage and I am heading forward, packing a little lighter, setting goals, reaching some, falling short at others, but always growing everyday. Won't you join me?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

I'm behind on posting for this weekend! In short, Saturday = Kettlebell Workout with Devon and Sunday = Iron Girl Swim Relay!

Saturday: Kettlebell Workout with Devon

I have been putting off posting this because I don't have the workout yet--Devon said he'd email it to me... Right... Still don't have it. It basically was ridiculously hard!!! It began with 3 exercises that were all "bilateral alternating" something that involved squatting. Since this is the high-rep week, everything was 3 sets/15 reps. Let me spell this out for you. You do everything on each side (so it's actually 30 reps per set) and each side has a squat. But the time we were done the first 3 exercises, we'd have done 270 squats. Ouch. Devon did that. I eased off some and did some sets of only 10 reps because I didn't want to destroy my legs before the big swim the next day! High-rep day hurts! But I look forward to two weeks from now when we di it again and I don't have a race relay the next day. :)

Sunday: Iron Girl Swim Relay

The day finally came and went and I conquered Centennial Lake (twice!)!!! However, I think Centennial may have had the last laugh (more on that in a bit).

Here is me and Amanda F. (my fellow swimmer) pre-race:

Here is my relay team (Me, the swimmer; Tracy, the biker; Debi, the runner)!!!!:

The weather was kind enough to pour buckets right before the race soaking my bag containing my towel and dry clothes, etc... But then it cleared up. The race was delayed a little under 30 minutes but then we were off!

It felt very similar to the practice swim (and actually seemed a bit shorter!!! Must be that I knwe the distance this time...). I started at the back of the pack...and stayed there! :) The few times I passed someone, I'd say something encouraging like, "Keep it up! You're doing awesome!!!" It seemed like there were a LOT of kayaks around me. I figure that either: a) there were a LOT of kayaks everywhere; or b) I was the tail end of the swimmer so they were following me in. Maybe a combination of the two. ;)

I breaststroked, elementary backstroked and fake-freestyled the whole way ('fake-freestyling is when I keep my head above the water). Almost everytime I rolled on my back to backstroke the kayaks would rush to my side and ask if I was ok. I would smile and say, "Yup! I'm fine...just slow...") That one would stop asking, but then the next one would. They were super nice and trying to be helpful. I started passing people with other color swim caps (earlier waves) and that made me feel good. I may be slow and last--but I knew I would finish!

The results were posted and I was faster than 2 people in my wave and faster than almost 100 people overall! I know it's about having fun and challenging myself and finishing (it truly is!). And last place would have still been awesome...but not last place is even better! ;) Also, I was about 5 minutes faster than the practice swim day!!!! So awesome! I beat my biggest competitor: me!

Amanda F. also knocked about 5 minutes off her previous best! All in all, it was a great race day!

I felt fine the entire swim, but when I stepped out of the water I felt very sick in my stomach. I guess I looked pretty rough to my cheerer-onners (Thanks, Tom and Kevin!), but I ran to transition (Thanks to support from Amanda) and handed over the timing chip to my biker. Once I stopped for a sec, my stomach felt a little better. Amanda thinks it was the change from being horizontal for so long then standing. Probably.

The rest of the day I was exhausted. I slept most of it away. Once I was home and showered (around 11:30am) I was only awake for 2.5 hours total until Monday morning. I was then all sick Monday (I'll leave the details out). I think Centennial got me. I swallowed a little water and it had the last laugh. Well played, Centennial...well played.

Swim in a triathlon relay? Check. ;)

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